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Work-Based Learning


Donna Lloyd | Chris Jeffreys

The Cherokee County Work-Based Learning Program is an educational opportunity for juniors and seniors, who have an identified objective, to obtain experience and skills in a workplace setting and begin working in their career pathway while still in high school.  Students have the opportunity to connect what they learn in school with work-site application, enabling a smooth transition into the work force and/or education beyond high school

The Work-Based Learning Program involves employers directly in education, including assessing students' performance, creating relevant curriculum, and developing occupational skills standards specific to business and industry  The Career Pathway Facilitator and employer work together as a team to provide unique and valuable learning experiences.

Eligibility Criteria

All 11th and 12th grade students, a minimum of 16 years of age, and on track for graduation can participate in a Work-Based Learning Program provided they meet the program's requirements and deadlines.

Requirements for Admission

  • Enrollment in or completion of related CTAE course which relates to the career objective
  • Good attendance, academic and discipline records
  • Recommendation from teachers and counselor
  • Completion of WBL Application Packet with signed parent permission forms
  • Junior or Senior / 2.5 GPA
  • Obtain Employment within Career Pathway
  • Attend WBL Orientation Session

Benefits of the Work-Based Learning Program to Students

  • Increases motivation by showing relevance between school and career
  • Provides opportunities to explore possible career pathways
  • Gives a realistic view of specific careers
  • Helps to develop workplace responsibility and work ethics
  • Offers opportunities for leadership development
  • Allows for interaction with adults in work-based setting
  • Encourages the pursuit of education beyond high school
  • Earns elective credit upon completion of required documented hours and class assignments.