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End of Semester/Final Exam Schedule

Creekview High School
End of First Semester Procedures
2024-25 School Year

table showing exam times and dates for a high school

CVHS Community,
The Creekview High School administrative team has prepared this document with information you need for the end of the semester. Please review this carefully, and let the administrative team know if you have any questions or concerns.

Final Exam Procedures & Make-Ups

  • No final exams will be given before the scheduled date and time of the exam.
  • Any student requesting permission to take an exam at an earlier time should secure approval from Mr. Vance. Please direct those requests to Mrs. Greene, and she will gather the requests and documentation for Mr. Vance’s review.
  • If permission is granted, every attempt will be made to find a time within the exam window for the student to test (often during the afternoons of exam week when the teacher is available).
  • Any student who does not show up for a semester exam will receive a grade of zero. If an exam is missed, it is the student's responsibility to schedule a time to take the exam. If students cannot make up the exam during finals week (in the afternoons, on Thursday,12/19 etc.), then exam make-ups are 12/20/24 by appointment with the teacher. Teachers will complete grade change forms for students after they have graded their make-up exam. Grades will be finalized on 1/6/25 so we can make appropriate schedule changes.
  • To maintain a focused academic environment during exams, we will not have parties during designated exam times in class. Please do not bring food to school or send your student with food or party supplies.
  • We will not make exams available until Tuesday, December 17. Final exams will be taken during the assigned exam period. No early exams will be given.

Final Exam Week Dismissal
Please refer to the Final Exam schedule  and permission form linked below. We will not be releasing students during scheduled exams. Students leaving class causes a distraction for those still working, and we want everyone to have the best environment to succeed. If you need to sign your student out for an excused appointment, please do so in between classes and not during exams. There will not be activities after school during exam week because we want students to focus on their exams. Please be ready to pick up your student at the scheduled dismissal time if he/she is a car rider. Also, note that we will dismiss at 12:00 pm Friday. Buses will leave campus soon after our noon dismissal on 12/20 and students will not be allowed to remain on campus. We have included an Early Dismissal Procedure form if you allow your student to check out after exams. Please submit the dismissal form to your first period teacher by 12/13/23 so we can note the student leaving.

Final Exam Preparation
Our December exams will cumulatively represent material taught so far this year. In some cases, projects or presentations based on the course will be included. Assessments will accurately reflect the level of the course, the standards presented, and the material taught.

Mark Vance
Principal, Creekview High School

Final Exam Schedule and Dismissal Permission Form
Early Release Dismissal Map